Available CakePHP packages

514 packages found

fabricioferracioli / cakephp_dvd_catalog

Application has:controller has:helper has:model version:2.x

A dvd catalog project originaly from James Fairhust, in my version translated to brazilian portuguese, added some functions.

finsterdexter / cakephp-searchable-behavior

Search has:model version:2.x

SearchableBehavior for CakePHP; using a SearchIndex model; this is my fork of the great work done by calin.don

Fluxx / coke

Model has:app has:config has:controller has:datasource has:elements has:helper has:lib has:license has:model has:tests has:view license:mit version:2.x

Coke is a replacement library set for CakePHP that uses objects instead of arrays for data, as well as making some additional Rails'esque usibility enhancements.

foxycoder / owned

Authorization has:model version:2.x

cakephp plugin to manage ownership on a model level

foxycoder / Vanessa

Application has:config has:controller has:helper has:model version:2.x

Virtually Automated and Nearly Effortless Students to Subjects Assignment

gan2 / blog

Personal has:app has:behavior has:config has:controller has:datasource has:elements has:helper has:lib has:locale has:model has:shell has:tests has:view version:2.x

book.cakephp のチュートリアル(http://book.cakephp.org/ja/view/219/Blog)に従って作ったブログ