CakePHP File Managers/Uploading packages

59 packages found

Grafikart / CakePHP-Media

File Managers/Uploading has:behavior has:composer has:config has:controller has:fixture has:helper has:locale has:model has:readme has:shell has:tests has:travis keyword:behaviour keyword:media keyword:model keyword:models license:mit version:2.x

The main goal of this plugin is to give you the ability to create and associatie any kind of media with your content. This system use behaviour to associate medias with your content and a helper to manage the UI.

Grafikart / CakePHP-ImageHelper

File Managers/Uploading has:helper has:readme version:2.x

A simple plugin to resize image on the fly using a Helper

Hyra / cloudfiles

File Managers/Uploading has:behavior has:readme version:2.x

CakePHP Behavior to upload your files automagically to the Rackspace Cloud Servers

ichikaway / ImageBehaviorNeo

File Managers/Uploading version:2.x

CakePHP ImageBehavior neo(adding validation rules, can set any directry and file path)

jamiemill / missioncontrol_file_library

File Managers/Uploading has:controller has:model has:readme has:shell version:2.x

A CakePHP plugin that provides the a file and image library for MissionControl CMS

jrbasso / MeioUpload

File Managers/Uploading has:behavior has:fixture has:locale has:readme has:tests version:2.x

Behavior for upload to CakePHP - DEPRECATED! Please use instead

kozo / imagemake

File Managers/Uploading version:2.x

ImagemakeComponent for Cakephp

martinbean / cakephp-file-upload-plugin

File Managers/Uploading has:behavior has:license has:readme license:mit version:2.x

A simple CakePHP plugin to add file upload functionality when saving models.

morrislaptop / advmedia

File Managers/Uploading has:controller version:2.x

Useful libraries to complement the shortcomings of the media plugin