Extremely simplistic webservices for CakePHP 3

Repo Url https://github.com/UseMuffin/Webservice
Clone Url:
Watchers 28
Issues 1
Forks 9
Last Pushed At 2016-04-03
Tags has:composer has:config has:license has:model has:readme has:route-filter keyword:api keyword:muffin keyword:orm keyword:webservice license:mit version:3.x
Last fetched: on 1/4/20

Recent Activity

Date Commit Message
2024-05-13 Update execute() method of query classes
2024-05-13 Make Query class abstract
2024-05-12 Update CI config
2024-05-12 Update CI config
2024-05-12 Update CI config
2024-05-12 Update signature of find methods
2024-05-12 Fix docblocks
2024-05-12 Add CreateQuery, UpdateQuery and DeleteQuery
2024-05-12 Rename SelectQuery to ReadQuery
2024-05-12 Fix CS errors and cleanup docblocks
2024-05-12 Add SelectQuery class
2024-05-12 Fix types and cleanup
2024-05-12 Fix property type
2024-05-12 Add QueryType
2024-05-12 Cleanup Endpoint class
2024-05-12 Cleanup Query class
2024-05-12 Clean up CI config
2024-05-12 Cleanup psalm tags
2024-05-12 Fix test classes directory
2024-05-12 Add phpcs config file
2024-05-12 Revert return type changes from $this to self
2024-05-12 Fix CS errors
2024-05-12 Fix CS errors
2024-05-11 Query where replaced QueryInterface with Query
2024-05-11 Psalm suppress statements included in docblocks
2024-05-11 Psalm suppress statements included in docblocks
2024-05-11 Pipeline fixed for PHP 8.1 target
2024-05-11 Docblock fixed
2024-05-11 Implemented ADmad's suggestions about dependencies, phpunit, psalm and phpstan isues
2024-05-11 Implemented the second part of the smaller suggestions
2024-05-11 Pipeline now runs on PHP 8.2 by default
2024-05-11 PHPStan issues and issues it created fixed
2024-05-11 PSR project structure/namespace issues fixed
2024-05-11 Psalm, linting and typing fixed
2024-05-11 Added composer dev requirements for easier debugging, linting fixed, part of the psalm errors fixed
2024-05-11 Added composer dev requirements for easier debugging, linting fixed, part of the psalm errors fixed
2024-05-11 Github pipeline updated to only support 8.1, 8.2 and 8.3 (in line with cakephp 5)
2024-05-11 Simple warnings and typing issues resolved for php 8.2
2024-05-11 Fixed deprecation issues in php 8.2 and the current phpunit version
2024-05-11 cs-fixed
2024-05-11 Done
2024-05-11 First try
2024-05-11 Updated Connection and Endpoint to not have final constructors, added psalm constraint. Added cache files and diff file for phpcs to gitignore.