CakePHP skeleton app

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Watchers 127
Issues 8
Forks 132
Last Pushed At 2016-04-23
Tags has:composer has:config has:controller has:readme has:tests has:view license:mit version:4.x
Last fetched: on 1/4/20

Recent Activity

Date Commit Message
2024-04-08 Allow DebugKit config to be set in environment variables
2024-04-08 Allow DebugKit config to be set in environment variables
2024-03-29 Normalize paths
2024-03-29 Improve session configuration doc block Refs cakephp/cakephp#17513
2024-03-29 add PHP 8.3 to CI
2024-03-29 Clean up error templates. With debug enabled the WebExceptionRenderer switches the template to pdo_error.php in case of a PDOException, so having checks for SQL query related stuff in debug mode is redundant. Refs #970, closes #992.
2024-03-29 Bump ramsey/composer-install from 2 to 3 Bumps [ramsey/composer-install]( from 2 to 3. - [Release notes]( - [Commits]( --- updated-dependencies: - dependency-name: ramsey/composer-install dependency-type: direct:production update-type: version-update:semver-major ... Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot]
2024-03-29 Update bootstrap.php Remove the setting for the `_cake_routes_` cache since it has been removed in cakePHP 5
2024-03-29 Use AE for consistency
2024-03-29 Remove unused classes
2024-03-29 Merge branch '5.x' into
2024-03-17 Remove unused classes
2024-03-15 Use AE for consistency