New main fork is here: A basic HIV Electronic Medical Record (EMR) system using CakePHP.
A CakePHP Content Management System (DISCONTINUED)
NeutrinoCMS is a lightweight CMS written in CakePHP, targeted at software developers
Loads Tweets with CakeFest in contents and increments users number of tweets
Modular Learning Management System based on the concept of connectivism and web 2.0
Sistema de Ranking para a BrNavies
A simple Pastebin application written using CakePHP, capable of both public and private pastes, with obscure URL's.
Simple voting script written in CakePHP
Función para validar CUIT/CUIT de Argentina, empaquetado como plugin para CakePHP y con casos de testing
La Bonne Auberge
Cakephp Course Management Plugin
Project for managing your groceries and pantry inventory.
Cakephp & jQuery based CMS
cakephp cms
A database system that receives entries for festivals and conferences.