Bake plugin for CakePHP

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Watchers 38
Issues 21
Forks 39
Last Pushed At 2016-04-12
Tags has:app has:composer has:controller has:helper has:license has:model has:readme has:shell has:table has:tests has:travis has:view keyword:bake license:mit version:4.x
Last fetched: on 1/4/20

Recent Activity

Date Commit Message
2024-04-18 Use https
2024-04-18 Fix error reported by phpstan.
2024-04-18 Fix tests.
2024-04-18 Fix/skip tests. Skip the testtask tests as they are going away in the near future.
2024-04-18 Fix style errors.
2024-04-18 Move test task to a command. The first of many changes to bake moving subcommands to be Command classes instead of Shell classes. I started with TestTask as it is used by all other tasks. I've not remove `TestTask` as it is still in use by all the other tasks and I didn't want to deal with all the failing tests.
2024-04-18 Remove unused imports
2024-04-18 Move rendering logic into a standalone class I'd like to start updating bake to use Command classes. Before I can do that I need a way to render templates outside of a task.
2024-04-18 Fix tests.
2024-04-18 Fix CS errors.
2024-04-18 Merge branch '' into 4.x
2024-04-18 Remove use of deprecated methods.
2024-04-18 Merge branch ''
2024-04-18 Limit "bake all --everything" to only the default connection. This commit moves the parameter validation from "model" processing upstream to "bake" processing since "--everything" applies to "bake all" rather than to "bake model". Includes unit test coverage.
2024-04-18 Merge branch 'master' into
2024-04-18 Fix tests.
2024-04-18 Fix style errors.
2024-04-18 Move test task to a command. The first of many changes to bake moving subcommands to be Command classes instead of Shell classes. I started with TestTask as it is used by all other tasks. I've not remove `TestTask` as it is still in use by all the other tasks and I didn't want to deal with all the failing tests.
2024-04-18 Remove unused imports
2024-04-18 Move rendering logic into a standalone class I'd like to start updating bake to use Command classes. Before I can do that I need a way to render templates outside of a task.
2024-04-18 Fix error reported by phpstan.
2024-04-18 Fix tests.
2024-04-18 Fix CS errors.
2024-04-18 Merge branch '' into 4.x
2024-04-18 Remove use of deprecated methods.
2024-04-18 Merge branch ''
2024-04-18 Limit "bake all --everything" to only the default connection. This commit moves the parameter validation from "model" processing upstream to "bake" processing since "--everything" applies to "bake all" rather than to "bake model". Includes unit test coverage.
2024-04-18 Merge branch 'master' into
2024-04-18 Use https
2024-03-11 Fix up bake value defaults for fixtures with enums (#982) * Fix up bake value defaults for fixtures with enums * Fix CS * Prevent runtime error.
2024-03-11 fix: add singularAlias param on associations hasMany (#980) Fix singularized variable name in template
2024-03-11 Prevent runtime error.