CakePHP Debug Kit

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Watchers 855
Issues 9
Forks 581
Last Pushed At 2016-04-16
Category Developer Tools
Tags has:behavior has:cache-engine has:composer has:config has:controller has:entity has:helper has:license has:locale has:log has:mail-transport has:middleware has:readme has:table has:view keyword:debug keyword:kit license:mit version:4.x
Last fetched: on 1/4/20

Recent Activity

Date Commit Message
2024-04-20 Update phpunit version
2024-04-20 Make sure onChange js function passes plugin
2024-04-20 Ignore log files genearated by tests
2024-04-20 Bump version.
2024-04-20 Update ComposerController.php
2024-04-20 Bump version
2024-04-20 Make content column a longblob. Try to avoid truncation issues for more folks. Refs #512
2024-04-20 Improve compatibility with earlier CakePHP Versions.
2024-04-20 Require at least CakePHP 3.2.7 LONGBLOB support was added in 3.2.7
2024-04-20 Set a min version of chronos that works too. This is to fix the 'lowest' build in travis.
2024-04-20 Use caret operator where sensible
2024-04-20 Add feature to scroll panels If you have many panels, some panels may be positioned below the visible area. This change adds scrolling capability to allow viewing these hidden panels.
2024-04-20 Merge 1a123cf236eef415eca72128acc59fb67fd52d34 into c9644c1a2ed16890e91a6900bc2f0ba7851cc890
2024-04-20 Don't use ID, and make scroll buttons smaller. Use up less valuable horizontal real estate for scroll buttons.
2024-04-20 Don't overscoll button bar. Capture overscrolls and don't do it.
2024-04-05 Fix build