CakePHP CodeSniffer Standards

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Watchers 162
Issues 5
Forks 64
Last Pushed At 2016-04-01
Category Developer Tools
Tags has:composer has:license has:readme has:travis keyword:codesniffer keyword:framework license:mit version:4.x
Last fetched: on 1/4/20

Recent Activity

Date Commit Message
2024-05-02 Micro-optimisation on array access Reduces accessing two dimensions array eight times to once.
2024-05-02 Micro-optimisation on array access Reduces accessing two dimensions array eight times to once.
2024-05-02 Bump version to 0.1.1
2024-05-02 Make EOF be ok trailing function spacing.
2024-05-02 Remove unnecessary includes.
2024-05-02 Fix casing of pear package.
2024-05-02 Update links in build.xml
2024-05-02 Add gitignore
2024-05-02 Add phing code to build pear packages.
2024-05-02 Add README.
2024-05-02 Update comments and typos.
2024-05-02 Re-add object property checking. Its easier to use disabling comments for non-standard code than to leave off this check entirely.
2024-05-02 Skip object properties. CakePHP has more than a few places where we access object properties on things like PDO which can have naming conventions that don't fit with camelCaps. Also if all declared properties match the standards most accesses will as well.
2024-05-02 Fix typo.
2024-05-02 Fix whitespace before object operator errors. This rule disallows chaining onto new lines which is totally acceptable under CakePHP's conventions.
2024-05-02 Fix doc blocks.
2024-05-02 Update variable naming.
2024-05-02 fixing issue to showing camelCap error on function name.
2024-05-02 Removed the warning to variables with numbers.
2024-05-02 First draft of CakePHP Code Sniffer.
2024-05-02 Allowing underscored public methods in controllers. Fix #2