CakePHP Debug Kit

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Watchers 855
Issues 9
Forks 581
Last Pushed At 2016-04-16
Category Developer Tools
Tags has:behavior has:cache-engine has:composer has:config has:controller has:entity has:helper has:license has:locale has:log has:mail-transport has:middleware has:readme has:table has:view keyword:debug keyword:kit license:mit version:4.x
Last fetched: on 1/4/20

Recent Activity

Date Commit Message
2024-09-26 Show warning if zend.assertions is not enabled.
2024-09-18 fix styling for environment panel
2024-09-17 fix environment panel not working with CakePHP 5.1
2024-09-17 fix styling for debugger dumped variables
2024-09-16 fix styling for debugger dumped variables
2024-09-14 Merge branch 'refs/heads/5.x' into # Conflicts: # composer.json # phpstan-baseline.neon # psalm-baseline.xml # src/Command/BenchmarkCommand.php # tests/TestCase/Middleware/DebugKitMiddlewareTest.php # tests/TestCase/ToolbarServiceTest.php
2024-09-14 Fix tests
2024-09-14 Add deflate and inflate of panel content, changed gc chance from 1% to 10%, added 10% chance to vacuum when sqlite is used, added pragma commands for optimalization when using sqlite
2024-09-14 Merge branch '5.x' into
2024-09-14 Add "internal" to list of safe TLDs
2024-09-14 fix tests after merge
2024-09-14 adjust phpunit version for cake 5.1 (#985)
2024-09-14 allow PHPUnit 11 and adjust tests for PHPUnit 11
2024-09-14 Change option parser integers to strings
2024-09-14 add h() call around pluginName
2024-09-14 remove template localizations
2024-09-14 fix other tests
2024-09-14 fix stan
2024-09-14 add Plugins Panel
2024-09-14 Revert unwanted formatting, add checks if functions exists, add inflate for content loaded from resource