CakePHP Datasources packages

55 packages found

angelxmoreno / CakePHP-Lighthouse-Datasource

Datasources has:readme version:2.x

Yeah, I'm building it and you can't stop me! Check the development branch

ceeram / wsdl

Datasources has:composer has:datasource has:readme has:shell has:vendor license:mit version:2.x

SOAP made simple again with CakePHP. Build a classmap of the wsdl file.

dalpo / cakephp_imap_datasource

Datasources has:datasource has:model version:2.x

Cakephp Imap datasource that allows querying the Imap mailbox of a configured account.

elcuro / CakePHP-Gsheet-Plugin-DataSource

Datasources has:datasource has:model version:2.x

Simple CakePHP DataSource plugin for Google Spreadsheet API service, based on ZendGdata library

ichikaway / mongoDB-Datasource

Datasources has:controller has:datasource has:model has:readme version:2.x

Old and Historical repository. Please use new repository at: