Available CakePHP packages

560 packages found

lecterror / neutrinocms

Application has:config has:controller has:helper has:model version:2.x

NeutrinoCMS is a lightweight CMS written in CakePHP, targeted at software developers

loadsys / CakeFest-Tweets

Application has:config has:controller has:elements has:helper has:lib has:model has:readme version:2.x

Loads Tweets with CakeFest in contents and increments users number of tweets

loadsys / CakePHP-Ember

View has:helper has:lib has:readme has:shell has:tests version:2.x

Suite of Ember.js components and helpers for building Ember apps with CakePHP

loadsys / CakePHP-Ember-Skel

Skeleton has:app has:config has:controller has:helper has:lib has:model has:readme has:shell has:tests version:2.x

A project skeleton for CakePHP bake script to start a base Ember.js project with a build process

lorenzo / Foundation

View has:helper has:readme version:2.x

CakePHP helpers to output Zurb Foundation friendly html

lorenzo / osmosis

Application has:config has:controller has:helper has:locale has:model has:shell has:view version:2.x

Modular Learning Management System based on the concept of connectivism and web 2.0

LowG33kDev / cakephp-recaptcha-plugin

has:behavior has:helper has:license has:readme license:mit version:2.x

It's a CakePHP plugin for easily add a ReCaptcha widget and control.