A base for CakePHP application.
Plugin for disqus.com service
CakePHP Plugin for vimeo.com service
A CakePHP Plugin which works with Zend's classes
Sistema de Ranking para a BrNavies
Access Control Plugin
A simple Pastebin application written using CakePHP, capable of both public and private pastes, with obscure URL's.
Simple voting script written in CakePHP
CakePHP Plugin for automagic admin using Twitter Bootstrap for CakePHP 2.x
Integration between CakePHP and MongoDB datasource from https://github.com/ichikaway/cakephp-mongodb
Helper for CakePHP framework that integrates a Google Map in your view using Google Maps API V3
Live chat implementation with CakePHP
Base application created with cakePHP
Changes on cake to looks like with Rails
Geocode plugin for CakePHP
Robot plugin for CakePHP
Email plugin for CakePHP
DataSource and oAuth for CakePHP 2.x based on Facebook API
Example application shown at CakeFest about RabbitMQ and CakePHP