A CakePHP plugin for using the HybridAuth social sign on library
CakePHP plugin for authenticating using JSON Web Tokens
Remember CakePHP user authentications with token cookies.
Tool collection for CakePHP
Users Plugin for CakePHP
CakePHP plugin with authentication classes for AuthComponent.
CakePHP plugin with Google 2 step authentication class for AuthComponent.
OAuth2Client plugin for CakePHP
Croogo - Open Source CMS built for everyone
A CakePHP plugin containing lots of useful and reusable tools
CakePHP Facebook Plugin
CakePHP plugin with authentication classes for AuthComponent.
ACL system based on annotations for CakePHP
CakePHP plugin for LDAP Authentication
DataSource and oAuth for CakePHP 2.x based on Facebook API
Facebook authentication handler for CakePHP 2.0
CakePHP 2.1 plugin for easy REST JSON API
CakePHP Twitter Plugin
Nonconformity Management Software for Quality Assurance.