A CakePHP plugin for using the HybridAuth social sign on library
CakePHP plugin for authenticating using JSON Web Tokens
Ldap ID Broker
Extension of the CakeDC users plugin that is implementing Opauth.
An OpenID component for CakePHP
OAuth consumer component for CakePHP
OAuth consumer for CakePHP realized as vendor class
CakePHP Oauth Library Plugin
CakePHP plugin with authentication classes for AuthComponent.
CakePHP plugin with Google 2 step authentication class for AuthComponent.
Simple OAuth plugin for CakePHP
A CakePHP plugin to handle user authentication and authorization the easy way.
Auth for people who hate the Auth component
CakePHP plugin with authentication classes for AuthComponent.
CakePHP plugin for modular
A plugin containing a replacement for cake's AuthComponent that provides javascript challenge-response password authentication.
CakePHP plugin for LDAP Authentication
Extends Auth scope functionality.
CakePHP OpenID plugin