CakePHP Other/Unknown packages

61 packages found

sams / PlatePlus

Other/Unknown has:config has:controller has:helper has:model has:readme version:2.x

a plugin for BakingPlate with the Plate & Plus Helpers

shihab-alain / cakeforms

Other/Unknown has:resource version:1.3.x

A plugin to easily create tableless forms with validation, db storage and email forwarding.

simkimsia / phpThumb-for-cakephp-2.0

Other/Unknown version:2.x

Fork of phpThumb for it to work in cakephp 2.0

simkimsia / RandomString

Other/Unknown has:readme version:2.x

RandomString Plugin for cakephp. It generates random string.

steinkel / phprop-plugin

Other/Unknown has:config has:controller version:2.x

phprop-plugin is a cakephp plugin to manage multilanguage html content based on a json properties file

torifat / cake-user_agent

Other/Unknown has:helper has:license has:readme version:2.x

CakePHP helper for showing browser and os icon form HTTP_USER_AGENT data