A base application that includes user registration and ACL's for authorization
A web application in CakePHP for file storage
A FusionCharts plugin for CakePHP
Add comments and star ratings to your existing CakePHP applications with ease.
A CakePHP plugin for text classification
CakePHP plugin for JavaScript unit testing and code coverage
NeutrinoCMS is a lightweight CMS written in CakePHP, targeted at software developers
A general filtering/search plugin for CakePHP apps
Loads Tweets with CakeFest in contents and increments users number of tweets
Skeleton view files and assets for testing browser js code.
A CakePHP 2.x plugin for extending and managing the cache.
A project skeleton for CakePHP bake script to start a base Ember.js project with a build process
A CakePHP Presenter/Decorator Plugin
A CakePHP Plugin for adding automatic XML and HTML Sitemaps to an app
Comments Plugin for CakePHP
Social Networks plugin
CakePHP plugin containing classes for building a JSON API
Cakefest workshop 2011
A CakePHP cache plugin to make a simple REST api around Cache methods... and other cache goodies
Modular Learning Management System based on the concept of connectivism and web 2.0