Nonconformity Management Software for Quality Assurance.
Condominium Management Software
CMS based on CakePHP.
A database system that receives entries for festivals and conferences.
admin panel plugin for CakePHP
CakeFest 2011 Workshop (CakePHP 1.3 Stream)
CakePHP Linux Format Magazine Tutorials
CakePHP FormHelper for Parsley.js
Provides CAPTCHA API, and allows to protect web forms using Captcha adapters.
Allows users to create boxes of content, which are rendered into an area, or region, of one or more pages of a website.
QuickAppsCMS core libraries.
Allows users to comment on and discuss published content.
Allows content to be submitted to the site and displayed on pages, the 'C' in QuickAppsCMS.
Provides EAV (Entity-Attribute-Value) design pattern.
Field API to add fields to entities like contents and users based on EAV pattern.
Wysiwyg editor for textareas powered by CKEditor.
Used by QuickAppsCMS to manage user registration and login process.
Enables the categorization of content created using QuickAppsCMS.