Available CakePHP packages

514 packages found

ProLoser / Stinson-L-5-Stuff

Application has:config has:controller has:helper has:model version:2.x

A website I made for my grandfather to help him sell his airplane parts online

pronique / CakePHP-ProUtils-Plugin

Utility has:behavior has:controller has:lib has:license has:model has:readme has:tests version:2.x

A growing collection of useful components, behaviors, helpers, and libraries for CakePHP 2.1

pronique / CakePHP-TreeAwareScaffold

Admin Interface has:controller has:license has:model has:readme has:view version:2.x

Enhances CakePHP scaffolding to bemore aware of Tree Models modelings using the TreeBehavior.

radig / auditable_mongo_logger

Reporting has:model has:readme version:2.x

Plugin com os modelos do Auditable adaptado ao MongoDataSource

rchavik / events

Utility has:controller has:model version:2.x

This plugin is simply a git repo of the code posted in the bakery: With Events plugin, you can add and remove events from admin panel and frontend. I have created Events plugin with full calendar (Thanks to Adam Shaw http://arshaw.com/fullcalendar/)

rchavik / Kinspir

Application has:app has:config has:controller has:helper has:locale has:model has:shell has:tests has:view version:2.x

This is the source code for the application located at https://www.kinspir.com and it is licensed under the AGPL.

rich97 / CakeFM

File Managers/Uploading has:controller has:model version:2.x

File manager plugin for CakePHP based on http://labs.corefive.com/2009/10/30/an-open-file-manager-for-ckeditor-3-0

rich97 / acp

Authorization has:model has:readme version:2.x

Access Control Plugin: A simple replacement for CakePHPs default ACL, designed to complement Authsome from Debuggable Ltd.

rich97 / LoggablePlugin

User Management has:controller has:helper has:model version:2.x

Log and display visits to your site and visit details.