Available CakePHP packages

167 packages found

gan2 / blog

Personal has:app has:behavior has:config has:controller has:datasource has:elements has:helper has:lib has:locale has:model has:shell has:tests has:view version:2.x

book.cakephp のチュートリアル(http://book.cakephp.org/ja/view/219/Blog)に従って作ったブログ

infinitas / infinitas

Application has:behavior has:config has:controller has:datasource has:elements has:fixture has:helper has:lib has:model has:shell has:tests has:view version:2.x

Infinitas is an open source content management framework that was developed using the CakePHP framework (v2.x). Amongst other things, its a blog, cms, newsletter emailing system and on-line shopping cart.