Available CakePHP packages

167 packages found

rchavik / Kinspir

Application has:app has:config has:controller has:helper has:locale has:model has:shell has:tests has:view version:2.x

This is the source code for the application located at https://www.kinspir.com and it is licensed under the AGPL.

ricog / smart_redirect

Routing has:helper has:view version:2.x

This CakePHP plugin allows your apps to automatically return to the page of origin after adding, editing and deleting.

simkimsia / TwigViewTemporary

View has:lib has:license has:readme has:view license:mit version:2.x

temporary home for TwigView customized for private project

tfe / maitre-d

Application has:app has:config has:controller has:datasource has:elements has:helper has:lib has:locale has:model has:tests has:view version:2.x

Simple CakePHP project to collect Carnegie Mellon Andrew IDs at a kiosk, look up details in LDAP, and store in a database