Replaces your QuickAppsCMS comment system with your comments hosted and powered by Disqus.
Dummy plugin for testing QuickApps CMS. Replaces page's title with some random lyrics.
Allows you to upload, manage, and display files from your server directories.
Provides jQuery assets and CakePHP helpers for working with jQuery.
Search API for QuickAppsCMS. Allows to index table entities and locate them using such index.
Provides Twitter Bootstrap assets.
Handles (un)installations of QuickAppsCMS Plugins and Themes.
QuickAppsCMS core plugin used to handle site configuration and plugin/theme installation interface.
Wysiwyg editor for textareas powered by CKEditor.
Provides CAPTCHA API, and allows to protect web forms using Captcha adapters.
Allows content to be submitted to the site and displayed on pages, the 'C' in QuickAppsCMS.
Allows users to comment on and discuss published content.
QuickAppsCMS core libraries.
Field API to add fields to entities like contents and users based on EAV pattern.
Adds language handling functionality and enables the translation of the user interface to languages other than English.
Allows administrators to customize the site navigation menu, it also provides helper classes for menu rendering.
Enables the categorization of content created using QuickAppsCMS.
Used by QuickAppsCMS to manage user registration and login process.
Allows users to create boxes of content, which are rendered into an area, or region, of one or more pages of a website.
Provides EAV (Entity-Attribute-Value) design pattern.