a link shortener based on CakePHP
Sistema simples de controle financeiro pessoal
Hurad is web software you can use to create a beautiful blog.
Automatic App::build Plugin for CakePHP
CakePHP2.0 sample app
SecurePHP is the PHP library for security. Delete control characters(ex. null byte) and invalid array keyname(_SERVER, _GET, etc)
CakePHP matsuri findTwitter unit test sample code
New, Improved, and simplified version of ToastyCMS
Provides base class for datasorses with Http protocol
Behavior for saving and reading serialized data from/into database
Freebase (http://www.freebase.com/) source for CakePHP (HttpSource)
Http datasource for twitter
Http datasource for google reader
Infinitas is an open source content management framework that was developed using the CakePHP framework (v2.x). Amongst other things, its a blog, cms, newsletter emailing system and on-line shopping cart.
A very basic social network application
Just a copy of @ProLoser/CakePHP-Twitter repo that got deleted.
[DEPRECATED] Enables callbacks in plugins' models for other than the default CakePHP defined methods
A CakePHP plugin that provides the core functionality of the MissionControl CMS