for the website
Themed plugin showcase to be used for bakery article
[ABANDONED] A CMS designed specially for scout groups, districts and areas. But, anybody can use it.
[ABANDONED] Forum plugin for CMScout3
Article plugin for CMScout3
Photo album plugin for CMScout3
Private message plugin for CMScout
Common static pages
Content management plugin for CMScout3
Simple Breadcrumbs utilities for CakePHP
Self-hosted Knowledge Software your question & answer system written on top of the CakePHP Framework
Datasource for cakephp to access the steam api
dribbble api as a cakephp datasource
CakePHP 1.3 plugin featuring a helper for generating sitemaps amongst other things.
A basic contact us plugin
CakePHP 2.x component for dynamically loading content as bits into a page matched by route.
Route plugin for Croogo CMS
Plugin for Payments with Bitcoin, ...
A CakePHP plugin for MailChimp