A blogging platform that runs on custom post types. Built on top of CakePHP
Journal Post Type for Blogmill
Link Post Type for Blogmill
Calendar plugin for CakePHP
Minor Mode for editing CakePHP2 code in Emacs
CakePHP DB Schema/Model Info Plugin
CakePHP model extension. With this plugin, your data is no longer just an array of data, but the real object. Works with CakePHP 1.3
Demonstration of how to create multi-step forms with the CakePHP framework
CakePHP Plugin for shopping cart and products
Transplanting 'sfMobileIPPlugin' to CakePHP
ExtJS Plugin for CakePHP
New main fork is here: http://github.com/uamuzibora/uamuzi-bora. A basic HIV Electronic Medical Record (EMR) system using CakePHP.
A web based baker for CakePHP
A CakePHP Content Management System (DISCONTINUED)
no description yet
test jquery