A CakePHP 2.1 App Template including some Plugins, Libaries
CakePHP plugin: Applies the callback to the all or specific request data
Under development
Under development
Under development
Passing request named or query automatically based on current url.
Extremely simplistic webservices for CakePHP 3
See https://github.com/uzyn/cakephp-opauth for better 3rd party authentication plugin for CakePHP.
An open source Enterprise 2.0 web desktop
VamShop - Bootstrap + jQuery + Ajax PHP Cart
CakePHP Database Logger Plugin
CakePHP Cloud Files Plugin
CakePHP Queue Plugin - Complete tool to background and schedule your time consuming tasks. Queue up almost anything from CakePHP shells, models, and actions to standard php commands or even shell commands.
CakePHP Facebook Plugin
CakePHP Paypal Instant Payment Notification Plugin
CakePHP WebTechNick Plugin
The Configuration plugin is an extremely useful way to store site-wide configuration.
CakePHP Who's Online Plugin
Gigya (Facebook/Twitter/SocialNetworking) Plugin for CakePHP