Loads Tweets with CakeFest in contents and increments users number of tweets
Twitter Bootstrap CakePHP 2.0 Helper
Skeleton view files and assets for testing browser js code.
A CakePHP 2.x plugin for extending and managing the cache.
Suite of Ember.js components and helpers for building Ember apps with CakePHP
A project skeleton for CakePHP bake script to start a base Ember.js project with a build process
A CakePHP Presenter/Decorator Plugin
Reusable CakePHP project shell scripts.
Adds fields to a model for saving social links, eg. Blog, Facebook, Twitter, etc.
A CakePHP Plugin for adding automatic XML and HTML Sitemaps to an app
Helps reading RSS feeds in CakePHP as if it were a model.
CakePHP Metadata Plugin
CakePHP Dynamic Find Behavior
CakePHP UUID Cache Behavior
CakePHP plugin containing classes for building a JSON API
CakePHP 2.0 plugin to bridge with Doctrine MongoDB ODM in order to use models as objects persisted by Doctrine. This changes the original CakePHP feature of returning arrays of results, and instead returns objects wich are cleaner to manage and extend.
CakePHP plugin to help you get you application running on the Facebook's HipHop compiler and interpreter
Gearman utilities for CakePHP
CakePHP Aws Simple Queue System
CakePHP helpers to output Zurb Foundation friendly html