A CakePHP Plugin to import locales via Transifex API
A CakePHP to find and correct coding standard issues
A CakePHP plugin for MailChimp
CakePHP Setup Plugin - containing useful management and debugging tools for CakePHP apps
A CakePHP plugin around geocoding tools and helpers.
A CakePHP plugin containing lots of useful and reusable data containers
A CakePHP plugin that makes working with AJAX a piece of cake.
Cache plugin for CakePHP
A CakePHP plugin containing a RssView to generate RSS feeds.
A CakePHP plugin to allow using hashids instead of numeric primary keys.
The Transifex plugin allows you to pull translations from Transifex Translation API.
A Mustache plugin for the CakePHP framework.
CakePHP helper for creating social share/bookmark links
CakePHP helper for embedding YouTube and Vimeo videos
CakePHP RSS datasource
CakePHP helper for formatting addresses
CakePHP TMDB API integration
CakePHP helper for creating Font Awesome links
CakePHP inline CSS plugin
Juicy new features for your cake's routing stuff