Available CakePHP packages

167 packages found

Dmitry404 / cakephp-twig

has:readme has:view version:2.x

CakePhp plugin that provides an ability of usage Twig template engine

Dmitry404 / CakePhpTwig

View has:readme has:view version:2.x

CakePhp2 View class that provides work with Twig template engine

Dynamictivity / Kinspir

has:app has:config has:controller has:helper has:locale has:model has:shell has:tests has:view version:2.x

This is the source code for the application that was located at https://www.kinspir.com and it is licensed under the AGPL.

fdeschenes / cakephp-dompdf-view

View has:config has:license has:readme has:view license:mit version:2.x

A CakePHP plugin for creating and/or rendering PDF documents using dompdf

Fluxx / coke

Model has:app has:config has:controller has:datasource has:elements has:helper has:lib has:license has:model has:tests has:view license:mit version:2.x

Coke is a replacement library set for CakePHP that uses objects instead of arrays for data, as well as making some additional Rails'esque usibility enhancements.

FriendsOfCake / CakePdf

View has:app has:composer has:config has:helper has:license has:readme has:tests has:travis has:view license:mit version:3.x

CakePHP plugin for creating and/or rendering Pdfs, several Pdf engines supported.

FriendsOfCake / CakePdf

View has:app has:composer has:config has:helper has:license has:readme has:tests has:travis has:view license:mit version:3.x

CakePHP plugin for creating and/or rendering Pdfs, several Pdf engines supported.