Available CakePHP packages

1,618 packages found

josegonzalez / app_skellington

Skeleton has:app has:readme has:resource version:1.3.x

builds a barebones cakephp app skeleton based on the db config. Somewhat deprecated, see cake_admin

josegonzalez / autocomplete

Example has:resource version:1.3.x

jquery autocomplete tutorial for 1.3

josegonzalez / cake-vagrant

has:readme has:travis version:1.3.x

a vagrant installation with all the necessary chef cookbooks to run a basic cakephp application

josegonzalez / cakephp-ajax-controller

has:composer has:lib has:license has:readme has:tests has:travis license:mit version:2.x

Automatically support ajax requests from popular Javascript libraries without any more thought.

josegonzalez / cakephp-blueprint-helper

View has:helper version:2.x

Deprecated: blueprintcss helper that facilitates some of the oft-repeated parts of the framework

josegonzalez / cakephp-calendar-helper

View has:helper has:readme version:2.x

Deprecated: helper that can turn a list of events into a nice, tableized calendar

josegonzalez / cakephp-codebasehq

has:shell version:2.x

Deprecated: Shell than can calculate CodeBaseHQ time using git commit messages

josegonzalez / cakephp-commentable-behavior

Messaging has:readme version:2.x

Deprecated: behavior that allows any model to be commented upon