Comments Plugin for CakePHP
Social Networks plugin
Helps doing AJAX using the JQuery library
CakePHP plugin containing classes for building a JSON API
CakePHP Excel Loader Behavior
CakePHP Metadata Plugin
Loads Tweets with CakeFest in contents and increments users number of tweets
CakePHP Dynamic Find Behavior
CakePHP UUID Cache Behavior
A CakePHP 2.x plugin for extending and managing the cache.
Suite of Ember.js components and helpers for building Ember apps with CakePHP
A project skeleton for CakePHP bake script to start a base Ember.js project with a build process
Skeleton view files and assets for testing browser js code.
Twitter Bootstrap CakePHP 2.0 Helper
Helps reading RSS feeds in CakePHP as if it were a model.
A CakePHP Presenter/Decorator Plugin
Adds fields to a model for saving social links, eg. Blog, Facebook, Twitter, etc.
A CakePHP Plugin for adding automatic XML and HTML Sitemaps to an app
Reusable CakePHP project shell scripts.