Available CakePHP packages

1,618 packages found

morrislaptop / reports

Reporting has:composer has:config has:controller has:model has:readme version:2.x

Allows you to setup SQL queries with configurable parameters, this plugin engine can then run those reports

morrislaptop / util

Utility has:datasource has:helper has:readme version:2.x

Set of unrelated common CakePHP utilities

mpeshev / dximagebox-croogo

View has:helper version:2.x

DX Image Box plugin for lightbox functionality in Croogo (by Fancybox script)

mradosta / permissionable

Authorization version:2.x

Row-level Model Access Control behavior for CakePHP

mrahmadt / cakephp-email-model

Email has:model has:readme has:shell version:2.x

Simple code for any cakephp project (version 2), that will allow you to send all your web application emails from Cakephp shell and also allow you to schedule email for future date.

msadouni / cakephp-mailer-plugin

Email has:readme version:2.x

A simple ActionMailer like plugin for CakePHP to ease email sending

msadouni / cakephp-meioupload-plugin

File Managers/Uploading has:locale has:readme version:2.x

The excellent MeioUpload Behavior packaged as a plugin, with translations and phpThumb

msadouni / cakephp-ticket-6320

Routing has:config has:controller version:2.x

Enhancement for Router url generation for plugins