Toggle, select or multiselect a database field based on a set of conditions
CakePHP 3 support for ID obfuscation
Default ordering (behavior) for CakePHP 3
Single Table Inheritance for CakePHP 3 ORM
Security Tokens
Adds soft delete support to CakePHP 3 ORM tables.
VamShop - Bootstrap + jQuery + Ajax PHP Cart
A CakePHP Behaviour to protect against rainbow tables
Sphinxsearch plugin for CakePHP 3.x
CakePHP WebTechNick Plugin
cakematsuri-sample CakePHP based tiny twitter clone. (branched contains steps of workshop)
CandyCane is a issue tracking system. The original implementation on which it is based, is Redmine
Just the demo code, used at the KYOSS/Meetup at LVL1
Behaviour for standardizing and cleaning $this->data
Stickyable Behavior to maintain contain and joins for multiple finds
Behavior to manage SELECT UNION finds with CakePHP
CakePHP Plugin to facilitate full text indexing across any Model via ElasticSearch
extended Cakephp 2.1 TranslateBehavior for support save/edit/validate of Multi Language in Forms
CakePHP Ember.js Plugin