Available CakePHP packages

148 packages found

dogmatic69 / cakephp_google_plugin

Third-party Apis has:config has:controller has:datasource has:helper has:model version:2.x

bunch of components/helpers and behaviors the use the google api for cool goodies

elcuro / CakePHP-Gsheet-Plugin-DataSource

Datasources has:datasource has:model version:2.x

Simple CakePHP DataSource plugin for Google Spreadsheet API service, based on ZendGdata library

Fluxx / coke

Model has:app has:config has:controller has:datasource has:elements has:helper has:lib has:license has:model has:tests has:view license:mit version:2.x

Coke is a replacement library set for CakePHP that uses objects instead of arrays for data, as well as making some additional Rails'esque usibility enhancements.