Log all database changes
CakePHP Locale: allow your users to input localized data (like dates and decimals) while kept consistency at database-level.
CakePHP Plugin for custom PaginatorHelper and Conditions Fields (ex: search)
Simple Captcha Plugin for croogo and cakephp
Analytics Helper Croogo Plugin
Fattening up your cakephp
Croogo Multisite Plugin
This is the source code for the application located at https://www.kinspir.com and it is licensed under the AGPL.
cakeforum (http://cakeforum.inservio.ba/) as cakephp plugin
cakephp jquerytools helper
Log and display visits to your site and visit details.
Rewrite of http://bakery.cakephp.org/articles/view/image-resize-helper to be expanded upon.
Content Management Plugin: A very simple admin plugin to aid the development of bespoke content management systems.
This CakePHP plugin allows your apps to automatically return to the page of origin after adding, editing and deleting.
A user friendly timezone picker
Boilerplate code for new CakePHP projects.
A collection of useful (to me, at least) formatters for values that are commonly input, stored and displayed in different ways.
CakePHP REST plugin like Rails REST
Share your working configuration files with others