Cakephp Less CSS compiler (forked from cakephp/less because of leafo/lessphp doesn't compatible with Twitter Bootstrap 3. Now oyejorge/less.php is being used instead)
CakePHP 2 plugin to allow for easy multi-file upload with AJAX
Custom field plugin for CakePHP 2.x. Adds custom field support to your app without any database changes.
Facebook Connect Plugin for CakePHP now supports CakePHP 2.0
CakePHP Plugin for Froala Javascript WYSIWYG Text Editor
cakephp file upload plugin that simply works
Cakephp JSON based properties manager using nano javascript
Helper for CakePHP
Easy way to handle file uploads in CakePHP
A simple Cakephp ACL based authentication plugin
elRTE plugin for CakePHP 2.x
Storage plugin for Croogo
Projeto iMemory
Simple CakePHP project to collect Carnegie Mellon Andrew IDs at a kiosk, look up details in LDAP, and store in a database
Update HtmlHelper to cope with different tags (HTML vs XHTML)
A plugin for creating/managing events
CakePHP DataTable Plugin
A plugin to package and minify your javascript and css. Supports preprocessors like LESS, coffeescript and kaffeine, minification engines like cssmin, uglifyjs, jsmin and closure compiler, auto-include-paths, specifying which asset to include on which req
A Calendar Helper for CakePHP 2x
Gallery plugin for zumocms -