Analytics Helper Croogo Plugin
Fattening up your cakephp
Demo project for cholesterol plugin
Croogo Multisite Plugin
cakeforum ( as cakephp plugin
Joomla to Croogo migration tool
cakephp jquerytools helper
CakePHP Shell - Chat Services bot
Plugin that quickly enables XHProf profiling for your CakePHP application.
A CakePHP component to interface with the cPanel API
A cakephp plugin for dependency injection based on Pimple library
CakePHP plugin para registro de atividade
A Google reCAPTCHA plugin for CakePHP. Protect your CakePHP application from spam and abuse while letting real people pass through with ease.
A Google Analytics plugin for CakePHP. Provides a server-side interface for configuring the tracking JavaScript code.
PayPal plugin for CakePHP
CakePHP Acl Link Helper
Croogo Port of Cerulean Theme from Bootswatch
seach tweets / cakephp sample application
A CakePHP component for performing forward or reverse geocoding operations using The Google Geocoding Web Service
A CakePHP component used for encrypting/decrypting data