ta corporate
just chat test
Attach Plugin, that make upload easy in CakePHP 2.0
A base application that includes user registration and ACL's for authorization
A web application in CakePHP for file storage
A FusionCharts plugin for CakePHP
Add comments and star ratings to your existing CakePHP applications with ease.
A CakePHP plugin for text classification
CakePHP plugin for JavaScript unit testing and code coverage
NeutrinoCMS is a lightweight CMS written in CakePHP, targeted at software developers
A general filtering/search plugin for CakePHP apps
Loads Tweets with CakeFest in contents and increments users number of tweets
A project skeleton for CakePHP bake script to start a base Ember.js project with a build process
Comments Plugin for CakePHP
CakePHP plugin containing classes for building a JSON API
Cakefest workshop 2011
CakePHP 2.0 plugin to bridge with Doctrine MongoDB ODM in order to use models as objects persisted by Doctrine. This changes the original CakePHP feature of returning arrays of results, and instead returns objects wich are cleaner to manage and extend.
CakePHP Webhook event handler for SendGrid
Workflow engine for cakephp
Modular Learning Management System based on the concept of connectivism and web 2.0