admin panel plugin for CakePHP
A CakePHP Plugin for finding a location based on an IP Address using the MaxMind GeoIP database and the PEAR Net_GeoIP package
A CakePHP Plugin for sexier admin scaffolding using Twitter Bootstrap
A CakePHP Plugin for handling all your database-driven routing needs
The Install plugin allows you to install your tables and entries with a GUI a la Wordpress.
CakeFest 2011 Workshop (CakePHP 1.3 Stream)
CakePHP Linux Format Magazine Tutorials
Example CMS project developed during workshops at PHP Matsuri 2010
Bookmarking Service (CakePHP Example)
A Todo application written for Workshops at CakeMatsuri
A Slavitica mini site to share sketches
Karaoke manager
Simple script to scrape for a project I'm working on. Figured I'd share the code
Just a backup of written in CakePHP
A Yahoo! Answers-like question/answer database with answer ratings and favorite questions.
One plugin to package together all the tools needed to build your own shopping cart in CakePHP
Team Art Engineered's Information Technology Competition Project 2010 at Cal Poly Pomona
Cal Poly Pomona CIS 466 Senior Project