ferramenta usada para buscar vagas de emprego
Easily backup and restore database data with the CakePHP shell
A plugin to package and minify your javascript and css. Supports preprocessors like LESS, coffeescript and kaffeine, minification engines like cssmin, uglifyjs, jsmin and closure compiler, auto-include-paths, specifying which asset to include on which req
A CakePHP 2.1 App Template including some Plugins, Libaries
Security Tokens
CakePHP Composer plugin
An open source Enterprise 2.0 web desktop
VamShop - Bootstrap + jQuery + Ajax PHP Cart
CakePHP Cloud Files Plugin
CakePHP Deploy Plugin
CakePHP Queue Plugin - Complete tool to background and schedule your time consuming tasks. Queue up almost anything from CakePHP shells, models, and actions to standard php commands or even shell commands.
A Ruby On Rails Rake Commandline testing experience for CakePHP
CakePHP Search Engine Optimization Plugin
A cakephp plugin: Enhancements for debug kit, and a few useful development tools
Behat Shell
Translate JavaScript strings like Drupal 8.
Ratchet websockets integration plugin for CakePHP
PhuninNode CakePHP plugin wrapper
Twig powered View for CakePHP
Gathers metrics/statistics from wyrihaximus/ratchet.