Available CakePHP packages

287 packages found

thatcode / DatabaseShell

Deployment has:shell version:2.x

Easily backup and restore database data with the CakePHP shell

tim-kos / CakePHP-Asset-Management-Plugin

Asset Handling has:helper has:readme has:shell version:2.x

A plugin to package and minify your javascript and css. Supports preprocessors like LESS, coffeescript and kaffeine, minification engines like cssmin, uglifyjs, jsmin and closure compiler, auto-include-paths, specifying which asset to include on which req

webtechnick / CakePHP-Queue-Plugin

Background Processing has:composer has:config has:controller has:fixture has:lib has:model has:readme has:shell has:tests keyword:background keyword:crons keyword:plugin keyword:tasks license:mit version:2.x

CakePHP Queue Plugin - Complete tool to background and schedule your time consuming tasks. Queue up almost anything from CakePHP shells, models, and actions to standard php commands or even shell commands.

webtechnick / CakePHP-Rake-Plugin

Testing has:shell version:2.x

A Ruby On Rails Rake Commandline testing experience for CakePHP

wnasich / mi_development

has:config has:controller has:helper has:locale has:model has:shell version:2.x

A cakephp plugin: Enhancements for debug kit, and a few useful development tools