Available CakePHP packages

1,618 packages found

ichikaway / cakeplus

Utility has:helper version:2.x

adding some functions to cakephp

ichikaway / ImageBehaviorNeo

File Managers/Uploading version:2.x

CakePHP ImageBehavior neo(adding validation rules, can set any directry and file path)

ichikaway / mongoDB-Datasource

Datasources has:controller has:datasource has:model has:readme version:2.x

Old and Historical repository. Please use new repository at: http://github.com/ichikaway/cakephp-mongodb

ichikaway / SecurePHP

Security has:composer has:config has:readme keyword:php keyword:security license:mit version:2.x

SecurePHP is the PHP library for security. Delete control characters(ex. null byte) and invalid array keyname(_SERVER, _GET, etc)

ichikaway / xformHelper

Forms version:2.x

extends cakephp form helper.