Available CakePHP packages

1,250 packages found

Phally / route_enhancements

Routing version:2.x

Two powerful custom route classes for CakePHP 1.3. Should take the pain away when working with legacy URLs.

Pollenizer / CakePHP-PostageApp-Lib

Email version:2.x

A CakePHP Lib class used for interfacing with the PostageApp API

Pollenizer / CakePHP-GeoIP-Plugin

Maps has:lib has:model version:2.x

A CakePHP Plugin for finding a location based on an IP Address using the MaxMind GeoIP database and the PEAR Net_GeoIP package

Pollenizer / CakePHP-Admin-Plugin

Admin Interface has:config has:controller has:helper has:model has:readme version:2.x

A CakePHP Plugin for sexier admin scaffolding using Twitter Bootstrap

Pollenizer / CakePHP-KISSmetrics-Plugin

Third-party Apis has:helper has:lib has:vendor version:2.x

A CakePHP Plugin for interfacing with the KISSmetrics API

Pollenizer / CakePHP-Parse-DataSource

Datasources version:2.x

A CakePHP DataSource for interfacing with the Parse REST API

Pollenizer / CakePHP-Route-Plugin

Routing has:behavior has:config has:lib has:model has:readme version:2.x

A CakePHP Plugin for handling all your database-driven routing needs

Pollenizer / CakePHP-SMSGlobal-DataSource

Datasources version:2.x

A CakePHP DataSource for interacting with the SMSGlobal SMS service