Available CakePHP packages

1,618 packages found

muxe / cakePHP-QR-Code-Helper

Third-party Apis has:helper version:2.x

A simple helper to display QR Codes using the google chart api

muxe / Croogo-Flattr-Plugin

Other/Unknown has:config has:controller has:helper version:2.x

A Croogo Plugin to add Flattr buttons to your posts

muxe / croogo-socialprivacy

Social has:config has:helper version:2.x

A Croogo CMS plugin to show social sharing buttons with advanced privacy. Uses socialshareprivacy script by Heise (http://www.heise.de/extras/socialshareprivacy/)

namelessnotion / activity_feed

Plugin Application has:model version:2.x

activity feed plugin for cakephp http://namelessnotion.lighthouseapp.com/projects/24083-activity-feed-plugin-cakephp/overview

nanapi / cake-storm

Developer Tools has:readme has:resource version:1.3.x

CakeStorm is a PhpStorm plugin for CakePHP users.

nathanaelkane / cakephp-include-helper-plugin

Asset Handling has:helper has:readme version:2.x

Used for automagically including css & javascript assets

ndejong / CakephpAutocachePlugin

Model has:behavior has:composer has:datasource has:lib has:readme has:tests keyword:cache keyword:plugin version:2.x

CakephpAutocachePlugin is a CakePHP 2.x Plugin that makes query caching as easy as adding a 'autocache'=>true condition to your Model query

ndejong / CakephpEmogrifierPlugin

View has:app has:config has:readme has:vendor has:view version:2.x

CakephpEmogrifierPlugin is a CakePHP 2.x Plugin that makes of using Emogrify on your HTML output easy.

ndreynolds / vim-cakephp

Developer Tools has:readme version:2.x

vim plugin for navigating and managing CakePHP applications