State Machine Behavior for CakePHP.
Model behaviour to append a field into a list for a select box. The idea for this behaviour is that if you have a list of items which belong to another model, it will include that models name.
Route plugin for Croogo CMS
Plugin for Payments with Bitcoin, ...
A CakePHP plugin around geocoding tools and helpers.
A CakePHP plugin containing lots of useful and reusable data containers
A CakePHP plugin to allow using hashids instead of numeric primary keys.
A CakePHP plugin containing lots of useful and reusable tools
Media Pub Portal
CakePHP ElasticSearch datasource that actually behaves like a real datasource
A simple DotCloudified CakePHP application
Ext.Direct server-side stack for CakePHP
CakePHP behavior to automatically create slugs for your URLs from database records
Croogo plugin for bind attachments to nodes
A Cakephp Plugin for Cloudinary cloud image service
CakePHP 2.x Plugin for tracking user activity (like views, bookmarks, etc)
A website developed in CakePHP for a college work
A CakePHP powered Content Management System
Prophel - Open source project management. Previously named Opencamp