Social plugin for CakePHP
A CakePHP Plugin for users
Self-contained application that automatically tracks cakephp developer's open source code repositories, including applications and plugins
CakePHP Inflector Website
Bake plugin for CakePHP
CakePHP skeleton app
CakePHP Debug Kit
[Unmaintained] Official CakePHP API Generator Git Repository
A CakePHP Plugin for Google's Cloud Print Service
(Previously ApiDatasources) An abstract datasource for use in conjunction with specific api datasources
Second level of the CakePHP online training courses
Code done during the advanced track of cakephp training courses
To easily use Google Recaptcha (free CAPTCHA service that protect websites from spam and abuse) in CakePHP projects
CookieWarning plugin for CakePHP
Openweathermap plugin for CakePHP
CakePHP Captcha Plugin -- BotDetect PHP Captcha generator integration for the CakePHP framework.
Sistema para gerenciamento de eventos em CakePHP mantido pelo PHPMS
Filtro de Spam implementado em PHP como meu projeto final de graduação
CakePHP 2.x Document Manager plugin
Simple User Management for CakePHP