Cakephp 2.0 User Management System
CakePHP Email Logger and DebugKit Panel for stage environments
CakePHP OAuth2 Server Plugin
CakePHP behavior to perform queries by Object-Oriented way
Under development
Under development
CakePHP Database Logger Plugin
CakePHP Queue Plugin - Complete tool to background and schedule your time consuming tasks. Queue up almost anything from CakePHP shells, models, and actions to standard php commands or even shell commands.
The Configuration plugin is an extremely useful way to store site-wide configuration.
CakePHP Who's Online Plugin
CakePHP Search Engine Optimization Plugin
CandyCane is a issue tracking system. The original implementation on which it is based, is Redmine
AdobeConnect Plugin (API implemented as Models/Datasource) and some helpers
CakePHP Plugin to interact with the Litle API
Behaviour for standardizing and cleaning $this->data
AdobeConnect Plugin (API implemented as Models/Datasource) and some helpers
Soft delete trait for CakePHP models