Available CakePHP packages

444 packages found

dereuromark / cakephp-transifex

has:composer has:lib has:license has:readme has:shell has:tests has:travis license:mit version:3.x

The Transifex plugin allows you to pull translations from Transifex Translation API.

elboletaire / twbs-cake-plugin

View has:composer has:config has:license has:readme keyword:bootstrap keyword:plugin keyword:template license:mit version:3.x

Twitter Bootstrap Plugin for CakePHP 3 with bundled less.php and less.js parsers, helpers and bake templates

elquimista / cakephp-jade-tmbundle

has:license has:readme license:mit version:3.x

A comprehensive textmate / sublime text bundle for the Jade template language, improved for CakePHP 3