Available CakePHP packages

514 packages found

jeremyharris / queue_email

Background Processing has:config has:controller has:model has:readme has:shell version:2.x

A CakePHP plugin that makes it easy to queue emails in the database rather than sending them out right away. Great for mass emails.

jmcneese / permissionable

Authorization has:config has:license has:model license:mit version:2.x

A CakePHP 1.3 plugin that provides UNIX-like row-level permissions for model data.

jmcneese / metadata

Model has:behavior has:fixture has:license has:model has:tests license:mit version:2.x

A CakePHP plugin that provides arbitrary metadata storage for model records

joebeeson / referee

Error Handling has:license has:model has:readme license:mit version:2.x

A CakePHP 1.3+ plugin for catching errors and exceptions and logging them