Payment log and payment gateway behaviors for CakePHP
Allows you to setup SQL queries with configurable parameters, this plugin engine can then run those reports
Ability to update properties in Configure::read via an admin interface
Search stores by postcode (australia only)
Simple code for any cakephp project (version 2), that will allow you to send all your web application emails from Cakephp shell and also allow you to schedule email for future date.
Google Analytics plugin for CakePHP
A contact form plugin for CakePHP
A minimalistic JobQueue Plugin for CakePHP
superBake repository for CakePHP 2.3.x
activity feed plugin for cakephp
Redis DataSource Plugin for CakePHP
Cake 2.0
Cakephp Autocache Behavior
CakePHP: The Rapid Development Framework for PHP - Official Repository
CakePHP plugin for interacting with Gdata API
CakePHP plugin for site search functionality