Available CakePHP packages

1,017 packages found

josegonzalez / cakephp-commentable-behavior

Messaging has:readme version:2.x

Deprecated: behavior that allows any model to be commented upon

josegonzalez / cakephp-calendar-helper

View has:helper has:readme version:2.x

Deprecated: helper that can turn a list of events into a nice, tableized calendar

josegonzalez / trimmable-behavior

Third-party Apis has:readme version:1.3.x

cakephp behavior plugin that creates a shorturl for the current record

josegonzalez / app_skellington

Skeleton has:app has:readme has:resource version:1.3.x

builds a barebones cakephp app skeleton based on the db config. Somewhat deprecated, see cake_admin

josegonzalez / webservice_plugin

API Creation has:readme has:view version:2.x

CakePHP plugin that takes the data you set and automatically serves it as JSON and XML

josegonzalez / serializable

Model has:readme version:1.3.x

Store serializable data within relational databases in a snap with this CakePHP Behavior

josegonzalez / twilio

Third-party Apis has:readme version:1.3.x

A cakephp datasource for twilio with support for the major Model methods

josegonzalez / database_logger

Error Handling has:readme version:1.3.x

The example CakePHP DatabaseLogger as a repository

josegonzalez / package_installer

Utility has:readme version:1.3.x

VERY BETA, NOT FUNCTIONAL IN THE SLIGHTEST. Install cakephp packages (plugins, applications, utilities) using this plugin.