Available CakePHP packages

1,618 packages found

k1LoW / jquery-cakephp-debugkit

Developer Tools has:readme version:2.x

Add JavaScript valiables panel to 'CakePHP DebugKit'

k1LoW / pear_local

Developer Tools has:readme has:shell version:2.x

PEAR Local install plugin for CakePHP

k1LoW / viewpath

Developer Tools has:helper has:readme has:view version:2.x

Viewpath: View file path display plugin for CakePHP

k1LoW / webroot_view

View has:readme version:2.x

CakePHP library for use elements and helpers under app/webroot/

kalt / cron-mailer

Email has:readme version:1.3.x

Cakephp plugin to send emails with a cron job. Includes a component to manage the queue, and a shell to be executed by Crontab.

kalt / search

Search has:readme version:1.3.x

Multi-model site search plugin for CakePHP

kalt / tagging

Categorization has:readme has:resource version:1.3.x

Multi-model tagging plugin for CakePHP

kalt / twitter-oauth

Third-party Apis has:readme version:1.3.x

CakePHP 1.3+ plugin to interact with a Twitter account, now with OAuth

kamisama / bounce

Model has:behavior has:composer has:config has:readme has:resource has:shell has:tests has:travis keyword:elasticsearch keyword:plugin license:mit version:2.x

A very lightweight CakePhp plugin to make your models automagically indexable by Elastic Search

kamisama / CakePHP-NoSQL-Datasource

Datasources has:readme version:1.3.x

A low-lever interface to interact with nosql datasource for CakePHP

kamisama / MongoDb-Integrity-Behavior

Model has:behavior has:readme version:2.x

A CakePHP Behavior for the mongoDb datasource, to get rid of the MongoDb object in a find resulset

kanshin / CakeEntity

Model has:model has:readme version:2.x

CakePHP model extension. With this plugin, your data is no longer just an array of data, but the real object. Works with CakePHP 1.3

kanshin / CakeSmarty

View has:readme has:view version:2.x

Smarty 3 plugin for CakePHP 1.3